Review: WakeMake – Conceal Liquid

I have only tried three foundations from WakeMake, however, all three of them had the same soft, glowy, shiny finish, including this one - more on that later. I picked this one up for 70% off at my local Watsons, as they turned to replace their foundations with different ones. Though it is called Conceal … Continue reading Review: WakeMake – Conceal Liquid

Review: Dr Jart Dis-A-Pore BB 50ml

Old Packaging Aaaah, my holy grail foundation. The one I always, always come back to (and believe you me, I get bored easily - I have strayed from this foundation many, many times, but crawl back to this one every single time). I always make sure to cut the tube open and get to every … Continue reading Review: Dr Jart Dis-A-Pore BB 50ml